Demographic Data
Estimates & Projections Canada
Canadian Census Population, Income, Demographics,
Estimates and Projections
Formats: tab, mdb, xls, csv
Coverage: National - Canada
Level of Geography: CAN, PR, CMA, CD, CSD, CT, DA, FSA
Records: 57,936
Year: 2025
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The Estimates and Projections (E&P) database contains variables such as total population, age, sex and family composition, marital status, educational attainment, labour force participation, occupation, home language, households income. These variables are "updated" from Statistics Canada Census Base Year (2021) values to their Current Year (2025) and 3, 5 and 10 year Projection values.
Built by Precisely's expert demographers, geographers, and statisticians, the values in the dataset are derived using innovative statistical processes, advanced demographic techniques, proprietary methodologies while incorporating many resources including data inputs from Statistics Canada, Canada Post, Metro Economics, Investor Economics, a Division of ISS Market Intelligence, national Financial data sources, and TomTom.
Variables: 1,487
Canadian Census Population, Income, Demographics, Estimates and Projections
Canadian Census Population, Income, Demographics, Estimates and Projections
Estimates & Projections: Consumer Vitality
Neighbourhood Desirability and Ecomonic
Vitality Statistics
Formats: tab, mdb, xls, csv
Coverage: National - Canada
Level of Geography: CAN, PR, CMA, CD, CSD, CT, DA, FSA
Records: 57,936
Year: 2025
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The Estimates & Projections: Consumer Vitality database provides composite measures and indexed values of the socio-economic desirability and performance of neighbourhoods (DAs) and economic performance with respect to population and household growth, socio-demographic characteristics, access to amenities, quality of life, population health and crime data.
Cumulative measures are derived from income, income change, home values, affordability, net worth, population change statistics on households, employment and sales volume growth, educational attainment, access to consumer amenities (i.e. restaurants and movie theatres), safety and security with respect to crime statistics (i.e. property, traffic and violent crime) and key health characteristics including mental and physical health. The file is useful for marketing initiatives, advertising lifestyle products, product profiling and service offerings, financial service planning and retail location analysis.​
Variables: 177
Consumer Vitality Neighbourhood Desirability and Economic Statistics
Consumer Vitality Neighbourhood Desirability and Economic Statistics
Census Population & Dwelling Counts
Canada Census Demographics 2021
Formats: tab, mdb, xls, csv
Coverage: National - Canada
Level of Geography: CAN, PR, CMA, CD, CSD, CT, DA, FSA
Records: 57,936
Year: 2021
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The Population & Dwelling Counts database contains core information on Canada's Population, Total Dwellings and Dwelling counts occupied by usual residents, surveyed at the Dissemination Area (DA) level of geography. The 56,590 DA's in the 2016 Canada Census, are the basic geographic unit which data is collected at, by a Statistics Canada census representative. The latest Canadian Census was conducted in May 2021, and will be released in stages throughout 2022.
Data was collected from households through self-enumeration, online, mail remittance and in-person census representative questionnaire methods. Population and Dwelling counts are subjected to random rounding, applied by Statistics Canada to protect confidentiality in small areas of identifiable households. Where possible, databases contain values imputed from higher geography (i.e. CD, CSD, CT) levels to supplement data suppressed in Dissemination Areas with small populations.​
Variables: DA, DB, Population, Dwellings.
Census Canada Population Dwelling Counts
Census Canada Population Dwelling Counts
Census Canada 2021
Canada Census Demographics 2021
Formats: tab, mdb, xls, csv
Coverage: National - Canada
Level of Geography: CAN, PR, CMA, CD, CSD, CT, DA, FSA
Records: 56,590
Year: 2021
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The Canadian Census was conducted in May 2021, and released in 2022. The database contains information on Canada's population of over 780 household / demographic census variables, surveyed at the Dissemination Area (DA) level. The 56,590 DA's covering Canada, are the basic geographic unit which data is collected at, by a census representative. Subject variables include detailed data on Population, Dwellings, Age, Sex, Marital Status, Immigration, Mother Tongue, Family Structure and Language.
Data was collected from households through self-enumeration, online, mail remittance and in-person census representative questionnaire methods. Data variables except Population and Dwelling counts are subjected to random rounding, applied by Statistics Canada to protect confidentiality in small areas of identifiable households. Where possible, databases contain values imputed from higher geography (i.e. CD, CSD, CT) levels to supplement data suppressed in Dissemination Areas with small populations.​
Variables: +780
Canadian Census 2011
Canadian Census 2011
Daytime Population 2025 for Canada
Daytime, Employment, Workplace & at Home
Population Estimates
Formats: tab, mdb, xls, csv
Coverage: National - Canada
Level of Geography: CAN, PR, CMA, CD, CSD, CT, DA, FSA​
Records: 57,936
Year: 2025
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The Daytime Population file provides estimates of the Working Population aged 15-64 years and Daytime Population of Persons at Home 0-14 years, 15-64 years and 65+. Daytime Population estimates are based on compiled business data which includes counts of employees who work, presumably during the day, at the business location within a given dissemination area. These statistics are aggregated for each DA to arrive at estimates of the number of Daytime Employees, which are then added to the at-home residential population, whether retired, in school, or simply not in the labour force to arrive at total Daytime Population.
Daytime Employment estimates are up-to-date, based on measures of business intensity and employment statistics, derived from business-related sources. Constraining factors include the reconciling of employment statistics to labour market totals at the Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) and Provincial (PR) levels. These estimates are useful for businesses interested in attracting customers, for example, at their daytime location as opposed to the night-time, residential location.
Built by Precisely's expert demographers, geographers, and statisticians, the values in the dataset are derived using innovative statistical processes, advanced demographic techniques, proprietary methodologies while incorporating many resources including data inputs from Statistics Canada, Canada Post, Metro Economics, Investor Economics, a Division of ISS Market Intelligence, national Financial data sources, and TomTom.
Variables: Workplace Population, at Home Daytime Population 0-14, at Home Population 15-64, at Home Population 65+.
Canadian Daytime Population and Workplace Counts
Canadian Daytime Population and Workplace Counts
Canadian Wealth
Household Wealth, Net Worth, Real Estate,
Financial Assets & Liabilities
Formats: tab, mdb, xls, csv
Coverage: National - Canada
Level of Geography: CAN, PR, CMA, CD, CSD, CT, DA, FSA​
Records: 57,936
Year: 2025
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The Canada Wealth database contains current estimates of the components of household wealth, such as specific assets and liabilities, as well as summary variables indicating net worth. Net worth or wealth represents the net of assets minus liabilities and is provided in aggregate and average form. This database, is informed in part by the analysis of Investor Economics Inc. with respect to national and provincial summaries of wealth components for detailed assets and liabilities.​
The database represents estimates of the components of household wealth as of June 30th for the lastest year for which Investor Economics, Inc. has published its Household Balance Sheet®. That is, the Canada Wealth data product is produced annually following the "close of books" for the June vintage of the Household Balance Sheet®.
Variables in the database includes total number of households, aggregate amounts, average values and incident rates on non-interest chequing / checking, Interest chequing / checking, savings, term (cd’s, interest bearing accounts), fixed income accounts (bonds), equity investments (stocks, mutual funds, equity investments), fixed term accounts (annuities), long-term deposits (retirement accounts), other financial assets (money market deposits). Aggregate and overall average on real estate assets, primary residence, other real estate, primary residential mortgages, home equity lines of credit, credit cards liabilities, installment loans, revolving credit, personal loans, total liabilities and total assets and net worth.
Built by Precisely's expert demographers, geographers, and statisticians, the values in the dataset are derived using innovative statistical processes, advanced demographic techniques, proprietary methodologies while incorporating many resources including data inputs from Statistics Canada, Canada Post, Metro Economics, Investor Economics, a Division of ISS Market Intelligence, national Financial data sources, and TomTom.
Variables: 83
Household Wealth, Net Worth, Real Estate, Financial Assets & Liabilities
Household Wealth, Net Worth, Real Estate, Financial Assets & Liabilities
Disposable & Discretionary Income / DDI
Before and After Tax Spending & Saving Power
Formats: tab, mdb, xls, csv
Coverage: National - Canada
Level of Geography: CAN, PR, CMA, CD, CSD, CT, DA, FSA​
Records: 57,936
Year: 2025
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Disposable income is essentially "after-tax" income. Estimates of federal and provincial taxes are subtracted from aggregate "before-tax" income, which is identical to aggregate or total household income in Precisely’s databases. Disposable income in this database is controlled to provincial estimates of after-tax income derived in part from the National Household Survey (NHS). Discretionary income is a more subjective concept than disposable income. Discretionary income is the money that remains for spending or saving after households pay their taxes and purchase necessities including food, housing, transportation, apparel, and out-of-pocket health care.
Variables in the DDI file include total households, aggregate and average values on household income, disposable income and discretionary income.
Variables: 7
Before and After Tax Income Saving Power
Before and After Tax Income Saving Power
Consumer Spend Potential / CanCSP
Household Spending on Consumer Goods & Items
Formats: tab, mdb, xls, csv
Coverage: National - Canada
Level of Geography: CAN, PR, CMA, CD, CSD, CT, DA, FSA​
Records: 57,936
Year: 2025
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The Consumer Spend Potential database provides dollar estimates of the amount of money spent annually, in aggregate, on detailed categories of consumer expenditures. The spending estimates are based on coefficients developed using Statistics Canada's Survey of Household Spending (SHS) with Precisely's PSYTE HD Canada segmentation system, geodemographic data and demographic estimates. The dataset contains over 360 variables, organized into sub-categories of household and consumer spending on Shelter, Household Furnishings, Household Operation, Transportation, Service, Clothing, Jewellery, Footwear, Healthcare, Personal Care, Recreation, Reading Materials, Print, Newspapers, Tobacco / Alcoholic Beverages, Games of Chance / Gifts / Contributions, Taxes / Insurance / Pensions, Education and Miscellaneous items.
This file is beneficial for gauging Market Share Potential, New Growth Areas or Areas of Decline, Trade Area Modelling, Trend Analysis, Market Research for Goods and Services, Store Location, Franchising, Site Selection, Market Assessment, Development, Network Planning, Lifestyle Profiling, Sales Forecasting, Service Area and Retail Location Analysis.
Variables: 362
Household Expenditures of Consumer Goods & Items for Canada
Household Expenditures of Consumer Goods & Items for Canada
Food Expenditure Potential / FoodEx
Consumer Spending on Food & Restaurants
Formats: tab, mdb, xls, csv
Coverage: National - Canada
Level of Geography: CAN, PR, CMA, CD, CSD, CT, DA, FSA​
Records: 57,936
Year: 2025
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The Food Expenditure Potential database provides dollar estimates of the amount of money spent annually, in aggregate, on detailed categories of food products, including restaurant spending and food consumed away from home. The estimates are based on coefficients developed from the linkage of Statistics Canada's Food Expenditure Survey (FoodEx) with Pitney Bowes' PSYTE® Canada Advantage segmentation system.
The Food Expenditure Potential database is developed in a manner similar to the Canada Expenditure Potential / CanCSP database. Respondents to Statistics Canada's Food Expenditure Survey are asked to maintain a daily record of all food expenditures (excluding those while on overnight trip or longer) using two one-week diaries. For meals and snacks in restaurants, respondents are asked to record the total cost of meals and snacks. Statistics Canada summarizes food expenditure data of the 5,999 households by PSYTE® Canada Advantage cluster for the detailed food expenditure variables, based on reference material provided by Precisely. Precisely analyzes the data to discern patterns and correlates to estimate missing values using a range of statistical methods. Canada Food Expenditure Potential estimates are modeled for small areas (DAs) based on national average household food expenditure data (proportions) by PSYTE® Canada Advantage cluster (which were subsequently walked over to PSYTE® HD clusters), and Precisely's current household, income and expenditure estimates.
Variables: 274
Food Expenditures Households Canada
Food Expenditures Households Canada
Traffic Metrix
Traffic Count Data for Canada and the US
Formats: tab, mdb, xls, csv
Coverage: National - Canada / US
Level of Geography: CAN, USA
​Records: 1,400,000+ (North America), 4,200,000 (Worldwide)
Year: 2025
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TrafficMetrix® is the most complete up-to-date commercially available traffic count database of annual daily traffic counts, covering metropolitan six-lane freeways to small two lane rural roads. The traffic count data set is collected from more than 6,000 sources, containing over 4.2 million traffic counts throughout the world, with 1.4 million published counts in North America alone.
The data set is available as Published Traffic Counts and Current Year Estimates (835,000 data points). Published counts are the base traffic data provided (as published) by federal, state / provincial and municipal organizations. Until recently, businesses had to wait on city, state / provincial and federal organizations to fund, collect and publish traffic count data. By the time analysts and project managers could get their hands on published counts, the data was outdated (eight years, on average). Traffic count data impacts site selection, analysis, and other projects relying on geospatial data to complete. Realizing the need for up-to-date data, the TrafficMetrix® data set also contains Current Year Estimates based on a forecasting model. TrafficMetrix® Current Year Estimates projects annual daily traffic counts representing the current year.
The file is used at large for Site Selection and Analysis including Retail, Convenience Stores, Commercial Real Estate, Restaurants, Planned Residential Communities and Government Planning. The file will enable the user to discover prime locations, uncharted opportunities, understanding traffic patterns and historical trends, analyze and forecast potential customer traffic to detect high demand opportunities, evaluate locations for retail facilities, restaurants, risk assessment models, real estate developments, cellphone towers, billboard advertising and more.
Variables: 7
Traffic Count Data for Canada and US
Traffic Count Data for Canada and US